For my 2025 garden, I am working to achieve three goals:
- First and foremost, grow nutritious food we love to eat, with a bit more veggies and varieties than in 2024.
- Second, contribute immense beauty to the backyard, growing healthy plants and mixing colors throughout the raised beds.
- Use all the space within the raised beds and in the back of the garden through companion planting principles while also making great heights of plants possible through the use of my trellises and poles.
The following are the veggies and varieties I will have in each of the raised beds of my 2025 garden. (All seeds currently come from Seed Savers in Decorah, Iowa.
Bed 5: Federle, Speckled Roman, Cherokee Purple, Amish Paste, and Juane Flamme Tomato
Arugula – Green Oakleaf and Amish Deer Tongue Lettuce – Harvey’s Honor Marigold
Bed 4: Autumn Beauty Sunflower – Purple Podded Pole and Kentucky Wonder Pole Bean
Casper Eggplant
Bed 3: Titan Sunflower – Federle, Speckled Roman, Cherokee Purple, Amish Paste, and Juane Flamme Tomato
Arugula – Green Oakleaf and Amish Deer Tongue Lettuce – Harvey’s Honor Marigold
Bed 2: Autumn Beauty Sunflower – Purple Beauty, King of the North, and Orange Bell Pepper
Bull’s Blood Beet
Bed 1: Titan Sunflower – Black Beauty Zucchini – Fordhook Acorn Squash – Golden Zucchini
Early Jersey Wakefield Cabbage
Any thoughts, friends?